North Granville Community Center


Community Center Highlights

March 26, 2024 –

  Spring events coming your way at the Center!

Easter Egg Hunt
March 30, 1:00 – 2:00 pm – North Granville is hosting the annual Easter Egg Hunt. Text 902-888-9307 to register and bring your baskets.

Spring Community Coffee Chat

April 6th, 10 am – 12 pm – Stop by the community center to share a warm drink and light refreshments with your neighbors. Catch up with old friends and make new ones. Talk to the board about any questions or ideas you have regarding the community center.

New Years Levee – The first annual New Years Levee was a success with lots of refreshments and live music on fiddle and piano. We had 30 people at the event from the community and surrounding areas.

Winter Warmer Coffee Chat – The community coffee in January was well attended by 18 people. It was successful and we are hosting a Spring coffee on April 6.

Call for Interest: Pickleball/Badminton Court at the Community Center

We are gauging community interest in the possibility of constructing a Pickleball/Badminton Court on the grounds of the Center. These are some of the facts and benefits:

  • Fun, easy to learn and low impact.
  • Great way to meet community members and make friends.
  • Pickleball is one of the fastest growing sports in the world.
  • Badminton is played at most Intermediate and High Schools on the Island.

Even if you prefer not to participate in these activities, it would create an opportunity to “come down and watch” and socialize.
Please send your input or expression of interest to

CARD Night
Play cribbage with your neighbors, every Thursday at 730pm. Cost is $5, 50/50 draw and prizes. Pop, coffee, tea and candy bars are available for purchase.

Thank-you Volunteers!
Thank-you to all the Volunteers who volunteers at the center for
cards, Halloween, Christmas, grass cutting, snow blowing etc. Your time and effort is
appreciated! If you are interested in volunteering for an event or getting involved with the
board please contact one of the board members to discuss.

In an effort to keep our community safe the center will follow the provincial COVID guidelines. Hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies are available.

Gym Equipment
Gym equipment is now available for use in the basement until May. Please clean after use.

Center Rentals
After many years the cost to rent the center will be increasing to $50 for community members and $100 for non-community members. Rental agreements will now include a detailed list of clean-up requirements and a cleaning fee will be charged if not met. Please contact Kellie to book the center: or call 902-620-8007

Community Library
There is a book exchange at the center. Feel free to drop off or pick up a new book.

Internet at the Center
The Center is now connected to Red Sands Internet who is providing this at no cost as part of the company’s local community support program. A guest account is set up to allow Community members to access the net from their car or within the center(with a door code). The password is Taylor575

Center Access
If you require a door code, please contact Kellie: or 902-620-8007.

AED at the Center
The Community Center has installed an automated external defibrillator (AED). It’s an easy-to-use, medical device that can analyze the heart’s rhythm and, if necessary, deliver an electrical shock(defibrillation) to help the heart re-establish an effective rhythm. The device is on the wall in the entrance of the Center and can be accessed by persons with a door entry or through a call to 911 (the AED is registered with 911 and EMS. They can provide a door code for emergency access if the AED is needed).

The AGM is held each year in December and is open to everyone. The treasurer’s report, plans for the coming year and election of executive and board members occur. This year’s meeting will be Monday, December 5th at 7pm. New and interested members are encouraged and welcome!

Current executive and board consist of Don Maynard(president), Kellie Saarloos(rental and gym access coordinator), Clayton Smith(treasurer), Sara Courtney(secretary) and board members Rochelle Sullivan, Trudy MacLeod, Jessica McKenna, Dale Amundson, Dan Amundson, and Sandra Graham. If you have any questions please contact Don Maynard 886-2071 or Sara Courtney 916-3476

The TREC staff has their office set up in the basement of the Center and from May – October. This is a mutual support arrangement for the Center where TREC is contributing to the Center operating costs.

TREC is seeking corporate sponsors and memberships for their worthy projects. Contact the TREC Director at 902-388-1919,, or on Facebook @Trout River Environmental Committee.


Contact Us
North Granville Community Center
575 Taylor Rd
Facebook: @Community of North Granville
Address: 575 Taylor Rd
Head over to the Facebook page to sign-up for emails and stay in the loop or navigate to this URL: /gSsOjv